08 30 2022

What is the difference between a relief valve and a safety valve? |Aquasky

What is the difference between a relief valve and a safety valve? Both safety valves and relief valves are used to release pressure from a pressurized system. Both are pressure relief valves, and they are designed to let off pressure in any situation where a system becomes overpressurized.

08 18 2022

How do I change the pressure setting of my well booster system? |Aquasky

Pressure switch settings are adjustable, and if the previous pressure setting doesn’t meet your requirement, you can adjust them to better suit your needs.

08 10 2022

What is pressure tank do in a water system? |Aquasky

What is a pressure tank do in a water system? Aquasky PUMPLUS provides a total solution pressure tank from small as 3L to 450L pressure tanks covering the residential and commercial areas. Please feel free to contact Aquasky for more information.

08 02 2022

Aquasky has passed the Singapore PSB certification | Aquasky

Aquasky has passed the Singapore PSB certification. PSB certification is a mandatory safety certification in Singapore. Only registered products with the SAFETY logo can be sold in Singapore.

07 25 2022

Summer Holiday Notice |Aquasky

Summer Holiday Notice |Aquasky

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