11 27 2023
Troubleshooting and Maintenance of RO Storage Tanks: Ensuring Optimal Water Filtration Efficiency |Aquasky

Troubleshooting and Maintenance of RO Storage Tanks: Ensuring Optimal Water Filtration Efficiency |Aquasky

Reverse osmosis (RO) systems are widely used for water filtration, relying on water pressure to pass through an RO membrane and remove impurities. An integral part of RO systems is the storage tank, which stores filtered water for future use. However, a malfunctioning RO tank can lead to water flow issues and impact water filtration efficiency. In this article, we will delve into the troubleshooting and maintenance of RO storage tanks to ensure their proper functioning and maintain a steady supply of clean water.


RO storage tanks can encounter several issues that affect their performance. One common problem is losing air on the airside of the tank, causing inadequate pressure and disrupting water flow. Additionally, a broken rubber diaphragm inside the tank can also result in poor water flow. These issues not only lead to slow water production but can also affect the overall efficiency of the RO system.


To identify and address issues with RO storage tanks, it is essential to perform regular checks and maintenance. First, check for any visible leaks or signs of water accumulation around the tank and fittings. Next, inspect the air pressure on the airside of the tank and ensure it matches the recommended levels. If the pressure is low, repressurize the tank to the appropriate level.


To determine if the rubber diaphragm is functioning correctly, monitor the water flow rate when the faucet is turned on and off. If the pump starts and stops immediately or the water only drips from the faucet, it could indicate a problem with the diaphragm.


To maintain optimal performance, schedule routine maintenance for the RO system, including the storage tank. Regularly check and adjust the air pressure to ensure it remains within the recommended range. Inspect the tank for any signs of wear or damage and promptly replace the rubber diaphragm if necessary.


Regularly clean the tank and flush the system to prevent any buildup of sediments or impurities. Professional servicing and water quality testing can also help identify potential issues before they escalate.


A well-functioning RO storage tank is crucial for maintaining a consistent supply of clean water. By understanding common issues, troubleshooting, and implementing regular maintenance, you can ensure the optimal efficiency of the RO system. Proper care of the storage tank guarantees a reliable and steady water flow, providing you with safe and high-quality water for various uses.


If you are interested in our RO Storage Tanks, please visit our website: or contact us at [email protected]




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